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ServiceNow g_form API & Methods

· 3 min read
Kaustubh Kulkarni

The g_form API in ServiceNow provides developers with a way to interact with form elements and controls on ServiceNow forms. With the g_form API, developers can read and write data to form fields, control the visibility and behavior of form elements, and perform a variety of other tasks on forms.

In this section, we'll explore the g_form API and its various methods, along with examples of how to use them.

Getting the g_form Object To get started with the g_form API, we first need to get the g_form object for the current form. We can do this by calling the getFormElement() method, which returns a reference to the form's HTML element.

// Get the g_form object for the current form
var gForm = new GlideForm('incident');

Once we have the g_form object, we can perform a variety of operations on it using the available methods.

Setting Field Values One of the most common tasks in working with forms is setting the value of a field. We can do this using the setValue() method.

// Set the value of the short_description field to "New incident"
gForm.setValue('short_description', 'New incident');

In this example, we're setting the value of the short_description field to "New incident". We use the setValue() method and pass the field name and value as arguments.

Getting Field Values We can also retrieve the value of a field using the getValue() method.

// Get the value of the short_description field
var shortDesc = gForm.getValue('short_description');

In this example, we're retrieving the value of the short_description field and logging it to the console. We use the getValue() method and pass the field name as an argument.

Controlling Field Visibility We can control the visibility of a field using the setVisible() method.

// Hide the work_notes field
gForm.setVisible('work_notes', false);

In this example, we're hiding the work_notes field. We use the setVisible() method and pass the field name and a boolean value indicating whether the field should be visible or not.

Enabling and Disabling Fields We can enable or disable a field using the setReadOnly() method.

// Disable the impact field
gForm.setReadOnly('impact', true);

In this example, we're disabling the impact field. We use the setReadOnly() method and pass the field name and a boolean value indicating whether the field should be read-only or not.

Submitting the Form We can submit the form using the submit() method.


In this example, we're submitting the form. We use the submit() method to submit the form.

The g_form API provides a powerful set of tools for developers to interact with forms in ServiceNow. With the g_form API, developers can set and retrieve field values, control field visibility and behavior, and perform a variety of other tasks on forms. By understanding the g_form API and its various methods, developers can build more powerful and flexible ServiceNow applications.