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Design a calculator in VB, Which has Two extra command buttons to check factorial of given number and to check whether entered number is even or odd

· 2 min read
Kaustubh Kulkarni

Design a calculator in VB, Which has Two extra command buttons to check factorial of given number and to check whether entered number is even or odd

Dim no1 As Integer
Dim no2 As Integer
Dim op As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 9
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "0"
op = 4
End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "0"
op = 5
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
If no1 Mod 2 = 0 Then
Text1.Text = "Even"
Text1.Text = "Odd"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & .
End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()
no2 = Val(Text1.Text)
If op = 1 Then
Text1.Text = no1 + no2
ElseIf op = 2 Then
Text1.Text = no1 - no2
ElseIf op = 3 Then
Text1.Text = no1 * no2
ElseIf op = 4 Then
Text1.Text = no1 / no2
ElseIf op = 5 Then
Text1.Text = no1 Mod no2
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command16_Click()
Dim f As Integer
f = 1
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
While no1
f = f * no1
no1 = no1 - 1
Text1.Text = f

End Sub

Private Sub Command17_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "0"
op = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command18_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "0"
op = 2
End Sub

Private Sub Command19_Click()
no1 = Val(Text1.Text)
Text1.Text = "0"
op = 3
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 2
End Sub

Private Sub Command20_Click()
Text1.Text = "0"
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 3
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 4

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 6
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 5
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 8
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 7
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & 0
End Sub