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Create an application in VB to display 4 X 4 squares on the screen. One of the blocks will be active with black color all other block will be fill with blue color. Provide a command button as follows to move the active cell the active cell should be change only if it is within the boundary.

· 2 min read
Kaustubh Kulkarni

Create an application in VB to display 4 X 4 squares on the screen. One of the blocks will be active with black color all other block will be fill with blue color. Provide a command button as follows to move the active cell the active cell should be change only if it is within the boundary.


Dim i As Integer
Private Sub cmdDown_Click()
If Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 12 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 13 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 14 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 15 Then
Text1(i).BackColor = vbActiveTitleBar
Text1(i + 4).BackColor = vbDesktop
i = i + 4
MsgBox ("Out of Bounds")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLeft_Click()
If Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 0 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 4 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 8 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 12 Then
Text1(i).BackColor = vbActiveTitleBar
Text1(i - 1).BackColor = vbDesktop
i = i - 1
MsgBox ("Out of Bounds")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRight_Click()
If Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 3 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 7 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 11 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 15 Then
Text1(i).BackColor = vbActiveTitleBar
Text1(i + 1).BackColor = vbDesktop
i = i + 1
MsgBox ("Out of Bounds")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUp_Click()
If Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 0 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 1 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 2 And Text1(i).BackColor = vbDesktop And i <> 3 Then
Text1(i).BackColor = vbActiveTitleBar
Text1(i - 4).BackColor = vbDesktop
i = i - 4
MsgBox ("Out of Bounds")
End If
End Sub